Saturday, April 7, 2012

5 Things About Pitbulls

There's no canine out there quite as controversial as the pit bull. Many perceive it as an unpredictable and dangerous domesticated dog, a popular consensus that has led to pit bull bans in some communities (such as the city of Denver). Others protest that the breed has gotten the bum's rush at every turn, and that pit bulls are in fact very much misunderstood.

So what's the real deal? Are pit bulls really dangerous animals that should be feared? Or are they actually mild-tempered family dogs that only transform into monsters in the hands of a negligent owner?
Getting a perspective on this debate requires some knowledge of the underlying facts. Here are five that you didn't know about.  

1- Three factors determine canine aggression
Perhaps the greatest point of debate regarding the pit bull is whether its headline-grabbing aggression is the product of genetics or of learned behavior. A study of 431 fatal dog attacks that occurred between 1965 and 2001 concluded that there are actually three factors that determine the aggressiveness of a dog, be it a pit bull or a cocker spaniel.

A. Function of the dog: 
Dogs behave differently depending on the environment in which they are raised and the function they perform; for example, a family pet will display a different temperament than a guard dog. Pit bulls are often mistakenly used to guard a house or business, but research has shown that these extremely sociable dogs do not make for very good guards. They are too distracted by other animals and humans to perform this duty properly. As a result, pit bulls that are placed into these situations will often exhibit abnormal behavior.

B. Owner responsibility:
How attentive and responsive an owner is toward his dog greatly influences that dog's behavior. This is perhaps most evident when one encounters an animal that was abused by a previous owner, and is high-strung and timid as a result. The pit bull is known as a high-maintenance pet; it is extremely friendly, but also attention-craving with protective tendencies. Thus, an owner looking for a tough dog as a status symbol and not as a loved companion should not adopt a pit bull, since neglect of this breed may adversely affect its behavior.

C. Reproductive status: Male and female pit bulls behave differently toward other animals and toward each other. Males are known to be more fiery and in possession of shorter tempers. Nonetheless, it has been recorded that female vs. female pit bull fights are more violent than male ones. Generally, same-sex pairings of pit bulls are not recommended within a single household, as frequent dog bouts could result.

2- A pit bull's attack mechanism is instinctive
While the three fore-cited factors will determine the behavior that a dog exhibits, every dog also has its instincts. And one of the pit bull's instinctive tendencies is to attack other animals, and in rare but extremely magnified cases, humans. Why do pit bulls attack, and does this instinct really make them more aggressive than other dogs?

For centuries, the American Pit Bull Terrier (the breed that the term "pit bull" generally, but not exclusively, refers to) was bred to fight other dogs in mortal combat.  To ignore this fact would be to deny the truth. Because of this history, it is only natural that modern-day pit bulls display more aggression than some other breeds. We see similar bred instincts in plenty of other dogs, such as in the Greyhound's tendency to run fast and the Sheltie's instinct to herd. The pit bull owner must acknowledge his pet's heritage and be prepared to handle situations where his dog's instincts are aroused.

The first step toward properly handling a pit bull is to recognize its willingness to fight. One must be willing to invest the time and energy to avoid the nasty situations that may arise as a result. A pit bull can be trained to know when it is and when it is not appropriate to display its innate aggression.

3- You can reduce a pit bull's aggression
To think that training can eliminate a pit bull's aggressive nature entirely would be foolhardy. But there are ways to make a pit bull more docile without inflicting harm on it. The most common way is to neuter your dog. Not only does this help to control the pet population but it also eliminates the significant hormonal changes that both young males and females in heat undergo.

These changes greatly influence behavior. For example, a male pit bull can smell a female in heat from miles away, but if he's trapped in a house, he will not be able to get to her. His inability to mate can lead to frustration and aggression. Neutering the animal will preempt this cyclical behavior, although it won't totally remove a pit bull's aggressive tendencies.

Another way to tame a pit bull is to put it through obedience training. Since these dogs are extremely social animals, they tend to get overwhelmed by their human company and can become quite a handful, exhibiting extreme happiness and energy. Obedience training can teach the pit bull basic domestic behavior and stamp on the dog's brain a guideline on how to behave with humans.

Finally, a pit bull can be controlled through responsible ownership. This is by and large the best way to ensure that your pit bull does not contribute to the belief that the breed is a hyper-violent one. Constant supervision is required so as to develop a relationship with the dog; this helps the owner recognize the cues that his pet is getting angry or aggressive.

More destructive solutions, such as shaving down a pit bull's teeth, should not be considered, as they are abusive and harmful to the dog. They will most likely have the reverse effect and result in a newfound fierceness in the animal.

4- Statistics support both sides of the debate
A study conducted by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) revealed that dog attacks over a 15-year span in the United States resulted in 279 human deaths, or a little more than 17 a year. With an estimated dog population of 59 million, this annual fatality rate means that only an infinitesimal percentage of dogs are involved in such violent activity.

Still, in a continuation of its study, the CDC found that between 1979 and 1996, pit bulls accounted for 60 dog bite-related fatalities. This count more than doubled the rate of the next-most-frequent breed, the rottweiler. Though this fact lends itself to the belief that pit bulls are more dangerous than other dogs, one must also remember that between 1965 and 2001, a total of 36 different breeds were involved in fatal attacks on humans in the United States.

A 1994 study investigating the reasons and commonalities among the 585,000 average annual dog bite incidents revealed that Chow Chows and German Shepherds, not  pit bulls, were frequent biters. Though this stat does not absolve pit bulls from the criticism they receive, it shows that their breed is not the only one with an aggressive streak. The essence of this often-conflicting information is that pit bulls are not the only breed of dog that shows a tendency to attack. In fact, there are over a dozen breeds that frequently show up in analyses as having attacked humans.

These numbers are often distorted by the media, which sensationalizes the pit bull's tendency to be aggressive. As a result, people generally fear that this dog will attack humans. A study conducted by the American Temperament Test Society simply rejects this notion. In December of 2003, a temperament test was given to dog breeds around the country, and a score was given based on the proportion of the animals that passed over the animals that failed. The final results gave the American Pit Bull Terrier a passing rate of 83.9%, which was slightly better than that of the "docile" Golden Retriever -- 83.2%.

5- Pit bull laws side with the injured
Each state has its own laws regarding vicious dogs. For instance, Rhode Island law indicates that a person injured by a dog attack can recover damages from the owner if he proves that it was the owner's negligence that caused the injury. In West Virginia, if it is proven that the owner had knowledge of his dog's violent propensity, he is strictly liable, meaning he's financially responsible for all damages.

In extreme cases, a negligent owner can even go to jail for failing to look after their dog properly. One such case occurred on June 10, 2000, in Brown County, Indiana, when a census worker was attacked and killed by a pack of 18 dogs. The couple that owned the pack was charged in a wrongful death suit; the wife was sentenced to one-and-a-half years in jail, and the husband to three.

Nuances in state law may relieve owners from responsibility. For example, if a dog attacks someone who is trespassing on the owner's property, liability may be removed from the owner. Those who care for pit bulls must be aware of state laws in order to protect themselves. Even in non-violent cases, scared neighbors have been known to circulate petitions to rid their blocks of "dangerous" dogs, and more than a few of these petitions have evolved into lawsuits.

Every pit bull attack renews the heated debate over whether or not these dogs should be outlawed. And though these incidences are few and far between, the media scrutiny surrounding them is particularly intense, meaning that the public interest level in pit bulls is consistently high. These dogs are generally perceived to be threats to humans, especially children, and their history of violence piques the curiosity of many people.

As pit bull legislation across the United States continues to be amended, discussion over how to handle these dogs will persist for some time. The government and society at large need to understand more about this special breed before passing final judgment.

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